business insurance

How Long Does an Insurance Company Have To Investigate a Claim in Kansas?

After an incident, you may wonder how long an insurance company has to investigate your business insurance claim. Generally, insurance companies have around 30 days to complete their investigation, but this deadline is frequently extended for several reasons.  It is crucial not to allow the insurer to unreasonably extend the time deadline or delay your…

business insurance

Exclusions and Limitations in Business Insurance Policies: What You Need to Know

Business insurance policies typically contain several exclusions within the contract that limit or eliminate coverage for certain types of risks. Understanding what exclusions exist in your contract and how they may affect your company are critical to protecting against future issues. In some cases, insurance companies may try to deny coverage based on an exclusion…

commercial property

Commercial Property Insurance: Protecting Your Kansas Business Assets

Business owners face several risks every day to their commercial assets. These include fires, floods, theft, and other unexpected incidents. Protecting these assets is critical to safeguarding your business assets and your bottom line. Commercial property insurance grants you protection from many of these potential risks.  At the Saxton Law Firm, our business insurance attorneys…