Has the insurance company denied your life insurance claim? You have already dealt with a death in your family and now you are faced with a denied insurance claim – it is a stressful point in your life. We know you have questions and you may be asking – do I need a life insurance attorney for a denied claim? Saxton Law Firm in Kansas City, MO is here to help answer your questions and serve as your life insurance attorney when needed.
When a member of your family has died, it can be difficult to deal with your grief – let alone decide what you need to do about the life insurance claim and property. A life insurance attorney, like Saxton Law Firm, may be able to help you eliminate undue stress in this difficult time, but may not be a necessity. In most cases, you may not need a life insurance attorney and you can expect your life insurance claim will be paid in full by the provider if it meets basic criteria:
- The life insurance policy has been in force for multiple years and has been paid on time.
- The value of the life insurance policy is modest in its amount.
- The deceased in the life insurance policy died of natural causes or old age.
- The insurance provider is a large, well-known carrier with a good reputation.
When Should I Hire a Life Insurance Attorney?
With that said – there are a few red flags to consider when you file a life insurance claim. These are warning signs that you may meet resistance from the insurance provider and you may want to consider the aid of a life insurance attorney to ensure you receive the full payment as the beneficiary of the policy and ensure that the payment is not delayed.
- The insurance policy has only been in force for a short period of time.
- The life insurance policy has a high value and payout.
- The cause of death was not natural causes and is not straightforward.
- The insurance provider is smaller with a poor reputation.
Why Hire a Life Insurance Attorney for a Denied Claim in Kansas City MO?
Does a life insurance attorney seem unnecessary for your claim? Are you reluctant to hire an attorney? We understand – it can be a big decision to make in a difficult situation – but the benefits of a life insurance attorney on your side are hard to beat when you appeal a denied claim. Here is a quick look at a few benefits of hiring a life insurance attorney to appeal your denied claim at Saxton Law Firm in Kansas City, MO.
1. Help You Understand the Life Insurance Policy

Insurance policies can be complicated and the legal details included in the policy may be difficult to understand if you are unfamiliar with the language. When a claim is denied by the provider, a licensed life insurance attorney can help you better understand the policy, determine the precise reason why the claim was denied and help you navigate the legal obstacles that may be associated with your claim.
2. Help You File an Appeal and Lawsuit
Your life insurance claim can be denied for a variety of reasons – but a life insurance attorney can help you appeal the denied claim and file a lawsuit when necessary. A life insurance attorney can help you file a lawsuit against the insurance provider if the claim is denied, help defend your position in court, help you get the money that you are owed as the beneficiary and help ensure that the payment is not delayed.
READ MORE: What Should You Do If Your Life Insurance Claim is Denied?
When your family suffers the death of a loved one and the claim is denied, you may ask – do I need a life insurance claim for a denied claim? You may not, but when you do, Saxton Law Firm in Kansas City, MO is here to help you launch a successful appeal. Contact Saxton Law Firm today for more information on how we can help you appeal a denied life insurance claim!