Black Lawsuit Text on a Document with a Pen in the Background

Have you or your business been subject to legal wrongdoing? Have you decided that you want to take legal action against an individual, business or entity? We know you may have questions about the different types of business lawsuits and the general lawsuit process and we can help answer them at Saxton Law Firm. You may be asking – how do I file a lawsuit for my small business in Kansas City, MO? Let us help you with this legal outline of the lawsuit process and represent your business in the courtroom.

Step-By-Step Process to File a Small Business Lawsuit

The legal system can be complicated and when you are in need of justice for you, your family or your business, it is important to take the proper steps. The reasons for your lawsuit may vary and may determine how and where you file your lawsuit. This brief outline will help provide you with the basics of how you can apply for legal recourse and file a lawsuit on behalf of your small business in the Kansas City area. 

1. Hire a Small Business Attorney

We know that you can file a lawsuit without the aid of an attorney – but with an attorney at your side, you increase the chances of success in your case. Saxton Law Firm can help you ensure that you have the legal standing you need, file the correct paperwork in the correct court, file your documents on time and can represent your business at every point of the legal process. A small business attorney may also be able to help you settle your lawsuit outside of court. 

Contact Saxton Law Firm and we will provide you with a FREE legal consultation!

2. Ensure You Have the Legal Capacity to Sue

What does the legal  capacity to sue mean? To file a lawsuit, you must be at least 18 years old and be of sound mind. Individuals who are under the age of 18 can enlist the help of a guardian or representative to file the lawsuit – or wait until they are of legal age.

3. Ensure You Have a Cause of Action and Legal Standing to Sue

You can only file a lawsuit when you have legal standing. This definition may vary – but in general terms – it means that you or your business were harmed in some way by a defendant(s) and you are making that claim. Legal grounds for a lawsuit means that your rights were violated and you must have been damaged in a way that can be resolved.

4. Identify the Defendants in the Lawsuit

When you have established that you have the legal standing to file a lawsuit, it is important to identify any and all possible defendants – individuals, companies, government entities or agencies. You may want to list multiple defendants in a single lawsuit to increase the chances of success and compensation.

Lawyer Handing Over Lawsuit Documents

5. Choose the Right Court for Your Lawsuit

When you file a lawsuit, it is important that you file it with the correct court. The court you choose must have Personal Jurisdiction and Subject Matter Jurisdiction in the case. Most cases will involve the state court where your business or the defendant is located – but the details of your case will determine where you need to file your lawsuit. A small business attorney, like Saxton Law Firm, can help you determine the correct court.

6. Adhere to the Statute of Limitations

Did you know there may be a deadline to file your lawsuit with the court? Most small business law cases will involve a statute of limitations that you need to adhere to and comply with. The statute of limitations for your case will vary based on the type of lawsuit and where you live.

7. File the Proper Documents

The final step in the initial process to file your lawsuit is to submit the proper paperwork and court documents for your case. Documents you may need to submit include – a civil cover sheet, a legal summons and a legal complaint. When you file your documents with the court, it will initiate the legal proceedings and the defendant(s) will be served with the legal complaint. The forms needed may vary based on your case or your state and Saxton Law Firm can help ensure that you have the right paperwork and documents to initiate your lawsuit.

READ MORE: What Should I Do If My Business is Sued in Kansas City MO?

Do you own a small business in the Kansas City area? You may want to file a lawsuit and may not know where to start. You may ask – how do I file a lawsuit for my small business in Kansas City, MO? We can help answer your questions at Saxton Law Firm and help you file your lawsuit as needed. Contact Saxton Law Firm today for a FREE case review!